The man who set the ball rolling for the peppy Hindi dialogues was, of course, Jaaved Jaffery, who many moons ago, dubbed Takeshi's Castle, a Japanese game show. Then it fell to Nickelodeon to change cartoon viewing in India forever. For the show Oggy and the Cockroaches, the channel roped in Saurav Chakrabarti, a comedian who had done such comedy shows as Laughter Challenge and Comedy Circus, and gave him the freedom to write the dialogues. Chakrabarti handled all the voices in Oggy and the Cockroaches. Oggy, the blue cat, got the voice of Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan, his brother was Sunny Deol and the other cockroaches are Paresh Rawal, Suniel Shetty and Akshay Kumar.
oggy and cockroaches dialogues in hindi audio