This TMDSAS prompt is very similar to the AMCAS personal statement prompt. The TMDSAS personal statement character limit is 5000 characters with spaces whereas the limit for AMCAS is 5300 characters with spaces. Most students use the same essay (with very minor modifications, if necessary) for both application systems.
sample mcat essay
Essay Prompt: Briefly discuss any unique circumstances or life experiences that are relevant to your application which have not previously been presented. This is not an area to continue your essay or reiterate what you have previously stated; this area is provided for you to address any issues that have not previously been addressed.
Again, we encourage all applicants to complete this optional TMDSAS essay. Like the personal characteristics essay, think outside the box when writing this essay trying to highlight experiences or circumstances that have been influential to you.
The Writing Sample section consists of two essays. Each essay is written in response to a prompt. A prompt consists of a topic sentence and instructions for three writing tasks you are to complete within the essay. The first task will always ask you to explain the given statement; the other two tasks will vary with each prompt. Your essays will be judged on how well they develop a central idea, how well they combine multiple, complex ideas together, how clearly written they are, and how well they adhere to standard rules of grammar, punctuation, and usage.
It doesn't. Yes, you read that right; you have to spend 35 minutes composing an essay that has no effect on your overall score. The essay itself isn't even scored separately. Only four sections of the LSAT contribute to your score: one Games section, two Arguments sections and one Reading Comprehension section.
Not really. There's a chance that your LSAT essay just may go totally unread. When you're done with your LSAT, the writing sample is photocopied and shipped off to the law schools you designated to receive your test scores. Do they actually read this essay? Most likely not. LSAT writing samples are rarely used to evaluate law school candidates, so no matter how well or poorly you did, this exercise will most likely not affect your admissions chances.
When you are writing an essay for any type of standardized test, don't ever get it confused with writing a paper for an English class: They are not even on the same playing field. And even though they may not admit it, standardized test makers want only one thing: gaudy excess. They appreciate quantity more than quality, so keep it long and shoot for filling up all the lines. They also seem to enjoy paragraphs, so any crazy thoughts of condensing language into more efficient prose should disappear. And finally, they have developed a Pavlovian response to big, pretentious words. So when they come across a world like "Pavlovian," expect sheer enthusiasm.
The AAMC moved back to the regular 7.5 hour MCAT exam for test dates beginning in January 2021. Plus, the AAMC sample test is now FREE for all students preparing for the MCAT. Take the free AAMC Sample Test at the AAMC Official Prep Hub. Then, use the AAMC Sample Test Conversion Chart below to convert your number of correct answers for each section to a comparable MCAT section score.
These are real personal statements from successful medical school applicants (some are from students who have used our services or from our advisors). These sample personal statements are for reference purposes only and should absolutely not be used to copy or plagiarize in any capacity. Plagiarism detection software is used when evaluating personal statements. Plagiarism is grounds for disqualification of an applicant.
Disclaimer: While these essays ultimately proved effective and led to medical school acceptances, there are multiple components that contribute to being an effective medical school applicant. These essays are not perfect, and the strengths and weaknesses have been listed where relevant.
I continued to pursue my dream of practicing medicine by volunteering in the Intensive Care Unit at the UC San Diego Thornton Medical Center, where I gained first-hand experience interacting with patients. While collecting laboratory samples from nurses, I talked to a patient who only spoke Spanish. As the interpreter had not arrived yet, I was the only Spanish speaker in the unit, and my Spanish was basic at best. I asked the patient about her day and family, which really lifted her spirits. This interaction taught me the importance of personal connections with patients.
The author uses an anecdote to start and finish the essay, which is a common and effective way to create a story arc. He calls back to multiple experiences throughout his life, from childhood to adolescence to young adulthood to bolster his resolve for pursuing medicine. His interesting background and stories, such as the promise he made to his sister, and his inspiration for picking up track, make for unique elements in this personal statement.
This author is unique in his excellent command of humor. Note that this is a riskier approach and most applicants should avoid humor. In this setting, the humor certainly adds value to the essay, although this may be more off-putting to more traditional and conservative medical school admissions committee members. Overall, a high risk and high reward strategy, because when it lands, it makes for a compelling, unique, and entertaining read. Remember, admissions committees are reading through thousands of essays, and this comes as a breath of fresh air.
To further improve the impact of this essay, the author could remove one or two experiences listed in a more descriptive way and incorporate immersive stories to convey the significance and impact they had on him.
The Writing Sample consists of two half-hour essays in response to two short prompts. The prompt can be an opinion, a common belief, a philosophical assertion or a policy decision concerning non-scientific and non-technical subjects like history, political science, business, art or ethics [source: Kaplan]. Each prompt is followed by a set of specific tasks, such as: provide your own interpretation of the statement, or describe a specific situation where the statement would not hold true.
Now it's time to hit the books. The AAMC publishes detailed content outlines for each section of the test. The Physical Sciences guide, for example, is ten pages long, listing every scientific principle and topic within general chemistry and physics that may be covered in the MCAT. There are similar content outlines for Biological Sciences and Verbal Reasoning. For the writing section, the AAMC provides a list of over hundred sample essay prompts from past exams.
Each of the two essays in the writing section is scored twice, once by a human reader and once by a computer. Each essay is assigned a raw score from one to six. Those four raw scores (two for each essay) are added up to a total raw score. The total raw score is then converted to an alphabetic scale from J though T, with J being the lowest score and T the highest (presumably A through F was too boring...).
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I found that prewriting certain secondary applications made the entire process a lot less stressful. After a busy application cycle, I received 9 interview invites! With the next cycle quickly approaching, I believe that following this advice will ensure that your secondary writing is successful. 2ff7e9595c